Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Iron & Wine; Beirut announce Australian tour-dates

Two great releases this year were Iron & Wine's The Shepherd's Dog and Beirut's The Flying Cub Cup, and while both acts have already been announced for the Golden Plains festival, those of you who feel you can't justify the $190 for a ticket will be happy to know that both acts have announced separate tourdates around the country as follows:

Iron & Wine
Melbourne - Friday March 7 - The Athenaeum Theatre (tix from Ticketmaster)
Sydney - Tuesday March 11 - The Maning Bar (tix from Moshtix)
Brisbane - Sunday March 9 - The Zoo (tix from The Zoo

Melbourne - Tuesday March 11 - The Corner Hotel (tix from The Corner
Sydney - Wednesday March 5 - Manning Bar (tix from Moshtix)
Brisbane - Thursday March 6 - The Zoo (tix from The Zoo)

Both artists will be bringing full backing bands along for the ride, so you can expect some very special shows.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

give me a yell if your getting iron and wine ticks. I might just join you.