Best Of SXSW A-Z: "D"
TheDeathSet don't believe in songs longer than 2 minutes, which means that each track they make packs a whole lotta punch. Originally from Australia, but now based in Baltimore, and signed to the hip sister-label of Ninja Tune, Counter (also home to Pop Levi and The Heavy), this track is a great example of the Death Set sound.
MP3: TheDeathSet - Negative ThinkingThe Dodos are an early call for my top track at SXSW this year - It's certainly the one that I've listened to the most, and anyone I've played it to I've caught humming the verse days after. The constant shuffle of the drums gives the track a great sense of momentum, and the short stabs of electric guitar are effective by not being there for the whole track.
MP3: The Dodos - FoolsDr. Dog played last year's Meredith Music Festival, when I had no idea who they were, and didn't really care. Having now listened to them, I'm kicking myself for not heading down to seem them live. A psych-rock outfit from Philadelphia, they've been compared to both The Band and The Beach Boys, and while you can see elements of those bands in there, the sound of Dr. Dog is something else.
MP3: Dr. Dog - The Girl
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