You may already know of
Emmy The Great through her association with one Dev Hynes aka Lightspeed Champion. She's the cutting female vocal all over his debut album
Falling Off The Lavender Bridge but enough but about him, the Hong Kong born Emma Lee-Moss has also collaborated with the likes of Fyfe Dangerfield (of Guillemots) and Jeremy Warmsley. So with Indie street cred in tow she's crafted a number of acoustic gems and various contributions to compilations, when she finds the time to knuckle down and make an album she'll have plenty of helping hands and eager anticipation from listeners.
Emmy The Great - Easter Parade
Eagle Seagull already sound a lot like The Arcade Fire, and if they got a few more girls in their ramshackle, art school squad - they'd look a lot like them too. Quick comparisons aside the Lincoln, Nebraska based six-piece have already garnered a bit of buzz on music press and blogs thanks to their punchy and accessible sound, smart pop nous and great song titles (see below).
Eagle Seagull - I'm Sorry But I'm Beginning To Hate Your Face
He may only be 20 years old, but
Eldar has already been signed to record conglomerate Sony/BMG and been nominated for a Grammy. While his background may be in that most unfashionable of circles, 'contemporary jazz', you don't need an inside knowledge of scales or heady solos to appreciate his playing. Bright, catchy and slightly rocking, of course it'd take a fresh-faced Russian to make jazz 'cool with the kids' again.
Eldar - I Remember WhenPIPPED TO THE POST:
Edison Glass - All Our Memories It might take a couple of listens to break through, but persevere with the whiny rock exteriorand you will be rewarded. Smarter than it initially sounds.